Attention All Men – What NOT to buy us for Valentine’s Day

Buying Flowers is so passe!

Buying Flowers is so passe!

The internet/radio/tv are full of ads for Valentine’s Day, and if you are the typical US Man, you are clueless and have no idea of what to get your beloved for a Valentine’s gift.  I’m here to provide you with a list of things any woman/significant other would desire and value.

First off – let’s deal with the premise- Valentine’s Day is a manufactured holiday.  There’s no reason on earth to celebrate it, if you are lucky you celebrate your love every day. If you are single it’s the one day you dread.  Most men would like to go to sleep February 13th and wake up the morning of the 15th, and I can’t blame them!

Here’s a list of things that you should NEVER, EVER BUY:

Pajama Grams, Huge stuffed animals (which will take up your place in her bed), 6 foot roses, gold dipped roses, enormous boxes of fattening candy. There are more items, but these are the most heavily advertised to men on ESPN and other sports oriented websites.  Avoid these at all costs!

If you want to make your lady love happy, think about what you can do for her, what experiences (keep your pants zipped, not sexual ones!) you can provide that will show her you love her 365 days a year, not just on February 14th. With that goal in mind here’s a list of items ranging from free to really really expensive that will show your love and devotion:

1.  Plan a trip – give her the exact information, a treasure hunt with clues or  just hand her the tickets.  The trip can be a day trip to someplace beautiful like a beach, a lake, a city or a garden like say Longwood Gardens –

2.  Make her dinner and clean up afterwards – if you want to splurge buy that special bottle of wine or bubbly for her.  If you have access to a very clean bathroom, plan a bubble bath for 2 after dessert.  Another splurge, buy her candles or bath salts.

3.  Clean her car or buy her a book of car washes and offer to take her car there yourself.  I myself would swoon for this gift. Even better, put a certificate for the car wash in with some flowers….

4.  Buy her a massage or give her a massage or a couples massage.  This could be part of the trip you are taking her on. (See #1)

5.  What are her interests?  Is she into music?  Buy concert tickets and plan a day or evening around that event.  Does she like art?  Buy her a membership to a museum and plan a day to visit it (soon while Football & Baseball are not in season).  Does she like football or baseball – tickets to a game and a team shirt would be wonderful.

Ok – I’ve given you plenty of ideas, you can add to these as you wish and take the credit for being so inventive this Valentine’s Day.  All her friends will be sooooo jealous! After all, a good idea is always WorthHaving!


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