Congrats to the Winners of the #SuperBowl – the Viewers & Advertisers

IF I was live tweeting the ads shown on Super Bowl 49


The themes for the first half are:


Things blowing up- Ads for NBC’s Blacklist over and over again

Natural and man-made disasters- Jurassic World, NBC upcoming shows

Puppy tugs at heartstrings (Budweiser strikes again)

Dad tugs at heartstrings – Nissan

Screaming – thanks Discover Card for making me drop Nachos on the carpet


Thank God for the upbeat ads from Weight Watchers – you can stop whenever you want to – but you’ve gotta eat- ok strike that bit about upbeat! Pass the Nachos…

Coke spilled into the internet; Microsoft differently abled boy- Yes! We have Upbeat Ads covered!


With less than one minute to go Gronk makes a stupendous touchdown 14-7 Pats.


What is Jeff Bridges doing going “Ohm” in front of 2 people sleeping in a bed? Why would I want to visit his website? To see him chant something else? To Watch the sleeping people wake up and scream? Then this ad would be filed under “Screaming”, see above. Some ads just don’t make sense, and at several million dollars for 15 seconds, you should try to make sense.


Wow – Russell Wilson throws a great pass to Chris Matthews #13, the Seattle 12th Man exhales a sigh of relief. Score tied 14-14 just in time for


Half Time – Katie Perry and 4 costume changes…yeah it was a long Pepsi Ad.


Second half theme – old people?


Kudos to Sketchers for presenting Pete Rose in “the hall” – finally a funny ad, well played Sketchers! Probably not the “Hall” Pete Rose wishes for, right?


George Clooney in an ad for Disney’s “Tomorrow Land” – isn’t that the one part of Disney Land that doesn’t have a movie tie in…yet?


Liam Neeson (or Lie-am) for a video game, his performance was moving, but I still don’t play those games.


I don’t know which I want more, the new Lexus sport coupe or the RC version, which has some mean moves, including “Drift Parking”.


Dodge commercial – Centenarians saying Live Fast, never forget where you came from – good message, but I hope that wasn’t a 100 year old driver in the fast Dodge.


Jublia Ad – for toenail fungus. Really, they spent millions on this? Who will remember this non-descript ad. Wait, I forgot it.


That’s because I really enjoyed the Kia ad featuring Pierce Brosnan drivng a Kia and not quite getting what he expected in a pitch session.


T-Mobile picked the two nastiest funny gals to pitch their wi-fi service. Sarah Silverman “sorry, it’s a boy”, Chelsea Handler (soon to be on Netflix) that’s no rabbit.


Okay NBC, we get it, you want us to watch the Blacklist with a dud whose bald head makes him look a lot like an egg. Hard boiled egg.


Jeep ad “This Land is Your Land” showing beautiful shots around the world, I get it, drive a small Jeep and you don’t pollute that much. Walk and you don’t pollute period. Just a concept.


SNL 40th anniversary show- can they cut out the years they weren’t funny? See, I told you the theme for 2nd half ads were old people. Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy – old.


#SuperBowlRally – hopefully no one picked this to trend on twitter. The ads weren’t that trendy either.


Toyota ads – Camry in red, sexy? Not really. And the Toyota brunette would lose in a fight against Flo from Progressive Insurance.


Nice to see Marshawn Lynch doing what he’s paid to do- play football NOT talk to the media. Get it Commissioner Goodell?


Movie – Ted2 – great way to feature Tom Brady, he needs a career after football.


4th Quarter – score Seahawks 24; Tom Brady and the Pats 14. Maybe he does need a plan B career?


Loctite Glue – The blue Loctite is removable, but the image of those people twerking, or having a fit or maybe dancing are permanently seared on my eyes. Great ad.


7:55 remaining and Brady throws to (wait I can’t spell or pronounce his name) for a TD 21-24.


Loved Budweiser’s Human Pac Man Game. Man deserved more than 1 bottle of beer. Really. Great exercise program for everyone watching the Super Bowl.


Tortise and Hare ad, Mercede AMG GT looks even cooler with bunnies and turtles. No.


The Slap – or Parents Gone Wild on NBC until no one watches it. Soon.


50 Shades Ad – are you kidding, the girls who were watching are all drunk by now.


Pigs flying in Doritos Ad, if you watch any of these NBC shows they will fly again.


Another Blacklist ad? Seriously. Stop it already.


With 4:45 left in the 4th Brady throws a TD pass to Julian Edelman. He’s got one of those lumberjack beards going on, very trendy. More trendy than #SuperbowlRally ad featuring past players – TO’s Humble Pie?


Victoria’s Secret reminds you it’s almost Valentines Day. Men across America get worried.


NBC Allegiance ad #30, almost as bad as Blacklist ads…


Shazam – 20 seconds left and Pat’s intercept Seahawks short pass for a TD. Game changing.  Butler who?


Best thing about this game? I haven’t heard a single ‘Blizzard Warning’ since before the Super Bowl broadcast. Happy.


Weather forecast for Coach B- WET – expect a Gatorade shower.


Damn, I’m done.

Here’s a rundown of most every ad that was shown,  I disagree with several of their opinions, but it’s worth a glance:

Damn, I just realized some of these entries are over 140 characters. Damn good thing I wasn’t really live tweeting.  Well, a Super Bowl victory is WorthHaving, ask Tom Brady.